There are a variety of ways to go solar.  You can lease or purchase a system, or have a system built and simplay pay for the power it generates.  Here are three ways I can help you to go solar.

POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT (PPA):  This is how solar goes global.  Basically, you pay $0 down, the panels are installed, and you pay a monthly fixed rate for your power.  read more

SOLAR LEASE:  Very similar to the PPA, You pay $0 down, the panels are installed, and you pay a monthly fixed rate for your power.  read more

SYSTEM PURCHASE:  You buy and own the system.  Over time, this path to solar will give you the greatest return on investment. read more


As you navigate your way to going solar, I’d be happy to answer your questions.  Please feel free to email or call me any time.

Joe Jennings

3128 Via La Selva
Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
